Day 4: a focus on Methodology.

During a Summer School day, Delegates study a number of aspects of music education and musicianship. This year, they could choose from 4 different focuses- our Foundation Certificate, Early Years Level 2, Primary Level 3, and Secondary Level 3. A number of participants have also chosen to work towards their Certificate of Professional Practice in the Kodály Concept of Music Education

But what does a Methodology class entail?

When we ask our Delegates, the answers always include the words 'fun', 'mind-boggling' and 'light-bulb moments!'

Methodology is the study of how we apply Kodály's philosophy to teaching. The BKA is dedicated to improving music education for all- and Methodology is how we train others to deliver the best quality music education they can. 

During Methodology lessons today, Delegates were learning games and activities that can be used to support children's learning of new concepts like rhythms and pitch. They worked on structuring systematic, well-planned lessons, and practised delivering activities with the others in their groups.


Sometimes, learning new games and activities means we have to put ourselves in the shoes of young children- which does lead to some hilarious moments!


Tomorrow will be our final full day, so we're all looking forward to the conclusion of our learning, when we pull all the elements we have practised and experienced together. There is also the evening concert with performances by our choir and selected individuals to enjoy.
